J2 & Verbier

The Buchan redevelopment plan provides the springboard for monetising the wider GBA portfolio

  • FPSO Feeder FieldsThe J2 and Verbier oil discoveries contain estimated mid case gross resources of over 40 MMboe
  • Phased Development PlanThe discoveries lie within ~12km of the central infrastructure planned for the Buchan field redevelopment and can be tied back to the FPSO to extend GBA peak production rates


The “J2” oil discovery is located in the P.2498 Buchan licence area (Block 20/05a and 21/01a) and was drilled by well 20/5a-10Y in 2006. The well was drilled as a deviated well to test the westerly culmination of a 3-way dip and fault closed structure mapped at Late Jurassic, Sgiath Formation level and located on a structural terrace downthrown to the north of the Buchan field.  The well encountered hydrocarbons within the objective shallow marine Sgiath Formation Sandstone that flowed at 2,850 bopd plus 1.2 mmscfd (37 API, GOR 426 scf/bbl) on test. The well also encountered ~16 metres of excellent quality, deep marine, intra Kimmeridge Clay Formation, Burns Sandstone that flowed at 4.8 kbbl/d plus 2.6 mmscfd (39 API, GOR 500 scf/bbl) on test.  JOG estimates that the J2 oil field contains approximately 20 MMboe of mean case recoverable oil volumes across the two reservoirs.


The “Verbier” oil discovery is located in Blocks 20/5b and 21/1d in licence P.2170.  Having completed a farm-out to Equinor in 2016, an exploration well followed by an appraisal well delineated the Verbier oil discovery.  JOG subsequently consolidated the licence interests to obtain sole control of P.2170 and established the discovery as part of the wider GBA development strategy. 

The Verbier discovery, drilled by well 20/05b-13Z, is considered to be an extension of the Kimmeridge Clay Burns Sandstone J2 discovery and is located some 3-4 km due west of well 20/05a-10Y. The Upper Jurassic sequence is relatively thin over the upthrown Buchan and Scotney highs but thickens rapidly into the North Buchan Trough to the north and east. This stratigraphic interval has been tested by well 20/05a-10Y and has also proved to contain good quality reservoir within the Kimmeridge Clay Formation in wells 20/05b-13 and 13Z drilled in 2017 by Equinor.