Investment Highlights

  • Experienced, well-funded joint venture established through farm-out transactions
  • GBA hub development underpinned by lower risk Buchan field
  • High-quality FPSO secured
  • Portfolio feeder fields able to supplement the core Buchan development
Well Funded Icon
  • Funded to Buchan first oil through farm-out transactions
  • Full expenditure carry for JOG’s 20% interest in the approved Buchan development budget
  • $18 million of the $38 million cash payments attributable to the two GBA farm-outs received
  • Right-sized organisation
Strategic Focus
  • Creation and monetisation of the GBA – delivering access to material cash receipts and a fully funded long-term stable income stream 
  • Balancing future potential growth and value crystallisation
  • Highly experienced Board and executive team with a proven track record in growing companies in the energy sector and monetising exits
Energy Transition
  • GBA development characteristics deliver the lowest full-cycle carbon footprint solution
  • Buchan – field redevelopment involving reuse of existing infrastructure that’s electrification ready
  • Creating a production hub in-sync with the UK’s oil and gas industry decarbonisation strategy – supporting new floating wind power developments