
The North Sea oil and gas industry is underpinned by rigorous environmental regulations and company management systems that are designed to minimise the risk of any potential negative environmental impact from offshore operations

We understand the environmental challenges presented by operating in the oil and gas industry.  Protecting the environment and striving for continuous improvement to reduce the environmental footprint of oil and gas activities has always been a key aspect of the industry’s plans and initiatives.  It is also at the centre the work we do to ensure the sustainability of our own business.

The most significant environmental aspects originate from discharges to sea, emissions to air, waste, energy consumption and spills, and how these aspects affect biodiversity.  The industry as a whole aims for an environmental impact that is as low as reasonably practicable, through adopting the use of best available techniques.  

Through the work completed with our joint venture partners and in tandem with our regulatory obligations, key environmental performance indicators with corresponding targets represent a core part of the development activities we are involved with.  This includes metrics focused on minimising flare and vent volumes, greenhouse gas emissions associated with power generation and discharge of produced water.

Our development activities are concentrated in marine surroundings and we work with our joint venture partners and contractors to protect and conserve the related ecosystems and species within them.  Activities in these areas are risk-assessed and monitored with regard to protection of sensitive benthic fauna and corals, coastal habitats, fish spawning and seabird breeding and feeding grounds.